Fourth Set of Prototypes

I have firmly decided that my theme with deal with animal hybrids, both good and bad. I created all my backgrounds for this week in Illustrator, keeping the patterns relevant to what I'm trying to portray in the image. I'm deviating from mostly photo-based pictures to more digital-based images, but I made sure to add in photo elements to every completed image.

This is last week's fox hybrid improved to add in a camouflage background to make it more clear what the hybrid element of the animal is - blending in to its surroundings. 

I added hands to each image, separating the two worlds of dog vs cats. The human with the dog appears to be the one in charge, however the human with the cat is offering the cat food, implying that the cat is the one calling the shots. The paint splatters in the background are an indication that the person who created the hybrid doesn't really know what they're doing and just hoped for the best, very similar to how a child just splatters paint onto a piece of paper.

I added an abstract background, in an attempt to portray the euphoric feeling the hybrid animal may be feeling with its handy new trunk to pick up food from the ground,

The background with the rainbow and blood splatters gives a more uneasy feeling to the snake/rat hybrid. It starts out happy and hopeful, however as time goes on, the image gets brutal and bloody.  Much like the snake blending into the rat, the rainbow blends into the black - both of these being unnatural freaks of nature. 

I decided to make ornaments in my nana's house into the three-headed dog from Greek Mythology, Cerberus. This represents humans trying to create things that are really out of their reach. The paws in the background are a mess, again symbolising the chaos of DNA mixing - if you look closely enough, the paw prints could be seen as small horrified faces.

This is yet another example of something ferocious mixed with something small and slow. The great bald eagle is now reduced to a slimy body forced to carry about the weight of a shell as it flies and slithers along.
