Third Set of Prototypes

This week I am really focusing on the hybrid aspect of animals. I want to combine animal species to make an even better mixed result. I will do this by finding out certain animals' weaknesses and then giving them parts of other animals that can counteract the weaknesses. However, I also want to combine animals to make an even worse mix. The reason for that is to make a statement about human interference in nature and how we shouldn't get involved in DNA mixing as it is immoral and wrong.

The first hybrid I made was a butterfly completely made from fire. The reason for this was because I learned that butterflies can't fly if they are too cold, they love warm conditions the most. I first sketched the butterfly shape on paper then scanned and traced that into Illustrator. The flames are made using a brush set I found online:


The second is a redesigned version of the robin I did last week. I realised that robins were a superstition relating to death, as were crows, so combining them made them the ultimate death sign.


I thought again about the fox that I also did last week and realised that they would be better designed as green animals as their bright red fur make them hard to blend into foliage to avoid hunters in Ireland:


Giraffes find it difficult to bend down to drink or eat something down low, so I thought about it and came up with combining them with an elephant's trunk so as to make life more easier for the tall animal. I added one of my photos in the background to add an environment and a piece of what I did  into the overall picture. 


For my last two images, I focusing on the messy human interference part of hybrids. 

This image is that of a dog/cat combination, the two most common household pets. I created them out of leaves and put splatters in the background to create the messy unorganised look. Sometimes scientists combine different species' DNA when they aren't sure what they are doing - much like what I tried to portray with this picture:


For my final image, I created a snake/rat hybrid. I added lots of colour and flowers to disguise it as cheerful even though it really isn't. Society mixing creatures is cruel and inhumane yet it's disguised as something that may be able to benefit us humans. I desaturated the background and took out the white stars surrounding the tree as I wanted to portray the true evil behind the false, happy mask. I choose a rat on purpose as it's one of the most popular creatures humans test products on.
